Soil Restore Organic Fertilization

Healthy Soils Produce Healthy Plants
Soil Restore is a biofertilizer. It is a custom made liquid compost solution that contains a blend of local biology, organic nutrients, and many other beneficial ingredients. Each with a specific role in plant health management. We produce specific formulas for trees and plants. For example: landscape maintenance, vegetable gardens, orchards, disease recovery and more...
Benefits of Soil Restore
Our ingredients include disease suppressive biology and tinctures that trigger internal plant defense mechanisms. As roots begin to recover from damage, whether it be from disease or severance, Soil Restore provides beneficial biology and nutrients to aid with the process. It takes time to recover and reverse plant health decline. Time is the ultimate factor.
Aids in Reversing Plant Decline
Perhaps the most important factor. Biology is the key that unlocks nutrients, produces antibiotics, and much more.
Provides a Source of Beneficial Biology
Disease Suppressive Soils
Another benefit that beneficial biology provides. It aids in plant health in so many ways.
Strengthens Plant Immune System
Soil bacteria produces a bio-film. Bio-film is like a glue that binds soil particles together. This creates small pockets that hold water. This allows plants to thrive longer during drought periods. It also saves on water bills!
Saves Water
Peer reviewed science papers, University publications, continuing education seminars, in-field experience, all have helped us to learn how systems work and how to recognize imbalances and develop remediate/mitigate plans that affect successful recovery of plants. This page will include links to pertinent science publications.
The Science Behind Soil Restore
The process in making Soil Restore is multifaceted. At the core is beneficial biology and root growth stimulators. There are several processes involved.
Static compost-Static compost takes over one year to produce. It is a slow process and temperatures are kept low. This ensures that beneficial soil microbes are not killed during the composting process. Bagged compost is produced using the high heat thermophilic process. Many microbes are eliminated during this process.
Indigenous Micro Organisms (IMO) This process takes over one month to complete. We select healthy trees and carefully collect microorganisms growing beneath tree canopies. The collections of biology are then grown out onto carefully selected substrates using a multi-step process to produce a finished product. It is nuanced and complicated, but results in a product that contains microbes adapted to the local area. We take many collections from many local areas and match tree species to the trees we are going to treat. ei: Healthy oak tree collections are used to treat unhealthy oak trees. This is then mixed with our locally produced static compost, hence containing microbes adapted to our area and trees. The finished product helps to produce disease suppressive soils. Bagged compost is produced in different states and counties. Soil Restore product is local.
Tinctures and other additives that stimulate root growth and tree defense mechanisms. (See Systemic Aquired resistance, (SAR) and Plant induced Systemic Resistance, (ISR) are produced and added into the liquid product that is produced from all of the above ingredients.
Fertilizer-Carefully selected to help stimulate soil microbes which produce plant available nutrients. The objective is to not stimulate excessive canopy growth but to help feed the soil, which in turn feeds the plant. It's Nature's Way! Whan high amount of fertilizer is used, the growth response of leaves can attract insect pests. We do not want that!